South Tulsa Academy
South Tulsa Academy provides a rigorous academic program inclusive of the skills and standards necessary for continued Cognia Accreditation status. All instruction is guided by highly qualified teachers, most of which is given directly by teachers on campus days, allowing for independent practice and extension activities to take place in the home on satellite days. In addition to direct instruction, campus days are used for student collaboration, guided practice and ensuring understanding of key grade-level concepts.
Small class sizes allow for individualized student attention and learning. Both formal and informal assessments are utilized to measure student progress toward the required skills and standards and help teachers focus and individualize instruction for the benefit of each student.
Bob Jones University Press is the primary curriculum resource and is supplemented with additional resources in order to meet academic skills and standards specific to Oklahoma. All instruction is given through a Biblical worldview and both regular curricular and supplemental materials are carefully reviewed to ensure Christian values are maintained. Students study and memorize the Word of God and character traits of Christianity alongside and weaved throughout their academic endeavors.
A strong student work ethic is a cornerstone of the University Model and will enable students to be successful in college. Staff at STA guide students in the application of their Christian values to their work as a student, teaching them to take learning seriously, maintain a positive attitude toward their education, complete each task thoroughly and with integrity, and work to develop self-discipline, reliability, loyalty, humility and commitment to his or her work.
In addition to English/Language Arts, mathematics, science and social/heritage studies, students attend special classes in physical education, visual art and music. Extra-curricular activities are also available in Spanish, dance, and athletics.